10 Characters Find Themselves Onstage

Performed at The Brian Cox Theatre, Scottish Youth Theatre August 2019
Created by: Indra Wilson and Eoin McKenzie 
Performed by: Scottish Youth Theatre Young Company 
Images by Aga Paulina Mlynczak


10 characters find themselves onstage: A monster, a knight, a bartender, a boy scout, a scientist, a superhero, a frog, a giant baby, a ghost, and someone who looks like Audrey Hepburn. All of them seemingly unconnected.

The audience sits waiting for something to unfold: a story, a narrative, some logic for why they are standing there. Yet, nothing happens.

The 10 characters paralyzed and lost. They search desperately for meaning. Something that will give them a reason for being. They seek solace in fables and stories, make hypotheses for their own appearance, and speculate wildly about what connects them…


Do You Think They Saw Us?


Time Pressure