No Words But Meanings

Performed at:  CCA as  apart of Village Storytelling Festival, June 2024
Directed and Facilitated by: Indra Wilson, Daniel Serridge
Devised and Performed by: Staff and partipations of Capability Scotland
Images by Eoin Carey
Supported by:  The Village Storytelling Centre and Capability Scotland

“The Language of friendship is not words, but meanings” by Henry David Thoreau

Not Words but Meanings is an immersive and charming exploration of the importance of friendship and connection through the lens of adults with complex learning needs.

Led by Daniel Serridge and Indra Wilson, in collaboration with The Village Storytelling Centre and Capability Scotland, join a community group from Penilee, Glasgow, and immerse yourself in the sensory stories we tell each other.

Feel encouraged to ask how we feel about our own stories and friendships. Audiences will be invited to build connections and friendships by engaging in a sensory story-crafting experience with the company. Together, we welcome you to the Restaurant of Friendship.




The River Runs Deep